The Way You See Yourself. | Body Image

We all get those days. The days when we feel horrible about a certain part of our body or ourselves in general. Whether its your stomach, thighs or even skin i am sure everyone has experienced this. Most of the time when we do feel this way we tend to compare ourselves to others thus making us feel even worse. Anyone can feel this way. you could be stick thin or a larger person everyone has their insecurities. The thin people can think they are to thin or not thin enough. The larger people think why am i not as small as her or why can she eat so much and not put on anything. 
I would know i have felt this way on one to many occasions. I do realize i have quite a high metabolism and i am very tall making me slimmer then most. The thing is there are things about myself i don’t like on certain days and then i grow to love it.. then hate it. It’s a never ending cycle. There are just somethings you can’t change about yourself. Most of your structure is made from your genes. The way your mom and dad are built. 
I believe that there is not a certain way you are meant to look. If you have curves Embrace them and shake it on the dance floor. If you are slim you can hide in small places (hah). There is always an upside to the way you are made. I mean you were made to be different. You are not meant to be copies of someone. You are made to be a new exciting person. Yes you may feel bad now but i have a challenge for you. Think about what you like about yourself. When you are feeling down or you have something thats bugging you think about something you do like..Like your hair, personality or your feet who knows you could be a foot model! I tend to want to think about the good things in life. The glass half full instead of half empty. You are truly beautiful because you are you. We are all made in different shapes and sizes. Like snowflakes. Not one is the same. And i really hope none of you want to be duplicates of another person.

Go Brighten someones day and let them know something you like about them!
Be the shining light if they are having a dark day.
Please remember to be Crazy. Be stupid. Be silly. Be weird. Be anything because life is too short to be anything but happy.

-Lauryn Mills


  1. Great post, I think that this is such an important topic and you really covered it well. Being comfortable with yourself is the first step to happiness.

  2. Love your post, and the snowflakes! I too have a ridiculously fast metabolism and am always worried that people think I am too thin so then hate that I am thin ... next time I feel down I will think of snowflakes :D
