Favorite Television Shows.

HEYY Everyone!
So i don't know about you but i am extremely forgetful. I start a project and then leave it somewhere just to find it two months later. Or a book i start one book then find another one and totally forget about the original one. Now this is an extremely bad thing with tv shows at the moment. Over the past 2 years i have been trying to cram in as much tv as possible.

Meet My Blogging Buddy!

Hey everyone just before i start i would like to say thank you so much for all of your support on my blog. We are closing in on almost 600 followers.
You guys literally are my life. Through out blogging I have had the chance to talk to many of you.
I have even made a close friend all the way in Europe (Which is amazing!). Her name is Karin! She is the best friend a girl could ever have. She is literally me on the other side of the world (if that makes sense.). We really wanted to introduce each other to you our beloved blog readers. Here she answered a few questions!

Perfect Pair | Fashion Show

Hey everybody! So today i was looking through tumblr and i came across these wonderful outfit pieces and i paired them together! I thought it would be perfect for a fashion show! I have no clue where these items are from. If you know let me and others know in the comments.

Mac Products I Would Like To Try!

Yes! Finally A new one in my series of "products i would like to try!" Here i tell you some of the products that i have heard good things about and would like to try!
Today I am doing the wonderful brand called "Mac Cosmetics"
This is a higher end brand with some truly beautiful products. I went searching through their online store and picked out 5 items i would love to try! Here They Are!

The Way You See Yourself. | Body Image