What to bring to a Model Casting

Hello Everybody!!!!
As you know i have posted a video on my youtube channel about what to bring to a casting. And finally i have the written version for all you bloggers out there. Oh if you would like to see the video Go here :

Now for any of you interested i do do a little modelling in my free time. i have done it for the past 2 years. So over that time i have picked up a little bit.
When you walk into a casting/ audition you want to look the best you can. Be polished. 
So for the outfit i would recommend all black . Black it a very slimming colour and looks great on everyone! Preferably wear a black dress, skirt, a tank top and  black jeans, or legging. Those are the things that look the best.

Now for what to take in. Make sure you have a black backpack or purse or something to carry your stuff in. Bring your model portfolio whether its online or in a book provided by an agent. If you don't have an agent bring normal head shots and full body shots and your measurements. 
Now this brings me to comp cards. if you are with an agent you know what these are. They are pictures of you with your name, your agents name, and your measurements. If possible try to know your measurements just in case you do not have a comp card handy. 
Next we have heels. Do not bring some bright yellow or pink coloured heels to the casting. If you can try to bring a black or nude pair. They go with basically every outfit. Again you want to look polished and professional.
A hair tie and hair brush are essential. They most likely will ask you to walk or show them what you look like with your hair up. So bring a hair tie and hair brush.
Also basic makeup such as foundation and concealer, mascara, lip balm, and if needed bring a white eye shadow. This will be used to brighten your inner corners and look more awake and ready.
That is basically all i can think of. I believe you are ready to rock that casting.

If you have any other suggestion let me know in a comment!
Always have faith, trust, and a little pixie dust | Elegant Chances


  1. I don't believe I'll be going to any model castings any time soon, but this was interesting and fun to read! Great post!
