April | Instagram Round-Up

Hey everyone!! I am back with yet another Instagram round-up! Here i basically show you all the pictures i posted this month and kinda explain them! If you like these kind of posts let me know in a comment!

This one kinda freaks me out if i look at it to much. This was taken after one of my Videos! i made a whole post about what to bring to a casting! 
This is a bunch of photos i got from doing a photo shoot with the talented designer Laura Vivianla. Click Here to go to her website! She makes the best and comfiest clothing ever!
The last photo is from Mass Exodus 2015. It is a student run fashion show for Ryerson university. I was lucky enough to walk for my third year in a row. This beautiful Dress coat combo was made be Shelley Hainz! Thanks so much Shelley for allowing me to walk for you! It was such an honour! 

So what kind of posts do you wanna see next? Let me know in a comment!
Always have Faith, Trust, And a little Pixie Dust | Elegant Chances

1 comment

  1. Love your photos from your shoots. They're gorgeous!

