March | Instagram Round-up

Helloooo Everybody!
So i thought i would do an Instagram round up for you guys. These are all the photos from my Instagram in March. BTW my Insta is @laurynamills Link here .
So here are my photos and some explanations.

So these two sets of photos were taken by the Wonderful Paisley Spense For Promo Magazine. They are amazing photos and i absolutely love them! Her Instagram is Here!
Next is a photo of me and my sister Emma. We decided to try and do each others makeup. If you can't tell... Hahah. Jk Love you Em <3
Next is a photo with my new glasses! i actually got them from Zenni Optical ! they work amazing and I think look pretty good if i don't say so myself.
And Lastly is a photo for I was lucky enough to be one of her models for her clothing shoot! The clothes are amazing and you should totally check them out at 

If you liked me doing this kind of thing let me know in a comment!
Always have Faith, Trust, and a little Pixie Dust | Elegant Chances

1 comment

  1. you look gorgeous modeling for Lauravivanla!
