April | Instagram Round-Up

Hey everyone!! I am back with yet another Instagram round-up! Here i basically show you all the pictures i posted this month and kinda explain them! If you like these kind of posts let me know in a comment!

What to bring to a Model Casting

Hello Everybody!!!!
As you know i have posted a video on my youtube channel about what to bring to a casting. And finally i have the written version for all you bloggers out there. Oh if you would like to see the video Go here :

Wet n Wild | Nail Polish Review

Hey there Everyone! Hows your day going?
So recently i went to a store downtown and picked up some new Nail polishes! Now i am not a big person for putting on nail polish or doing my nails but its fun every once in a while. I thought since i do a lot of thing for my agency where i need nude or clear nails i would grab something like that! Luckily the brand Wet n Wild had some amazing choices!

Mass Exodus | Model Bag

Hey Everyone!!
So This year i was lucky enough to model for Mass exodus for the 3rd year in a row!It is The biggest student run fashion show in Ontario.  Each year the Ryerson University gives out model bags to all the models! Im truly thankful for receiving one! So here i thought i would show you what was given. Special thanks to Ryerson Toronto!

March | Instagram Round-up

Helloooo Everybody!
So i thought i would do an Instagram round up for you guys. These are all the photos from my Instagram in March. BTW my Insta is @laurynamills Link here .
So here are my photos and some explanations.