Things I LOVE About Winter

Hello Everyone!
How are you all? So for the past few days it has been snowing like mad (There actually is a massive blizzard outside as i type this). I believe that the second the first snowflake falls it is winter. GOODBYE FALL! Also i live in Canada so we don't have our thanksgiving in november we just go from Halloween to Christmas. (oh the wind is bad out there) Today i wanted to tell you all what are my favourite things about winter and the holidays! I think this is the best time of the year so we should give it some credit and say the things we like most! 

Hot Chocolate
Christmas movies on the television
furry coats
knee races
The warmth when you walk into stores
The music 
Putting up the tree

Alrighty so i think a few of these need explaining.
Movies- Basically all i do in the winter is sit under my tree and watch holiday lifetime movies on repeat.
Knee Races- So this one i am pretty sure no one else in the whole entire world does this other than me and my sister. What we do is we put on christmas movie's or christmas music and walk on our knees instead of our feet. We have obstacles and timers.... Ya we are weird but its a a sisterly christmas tradition.
The warmth when you walk into a store - Okay we all know that feeling when you walk into shop and there is a gust of warm air from the front and cold from the back! Love it.

Check out my bloglovin and give this post a like and maybe even a follow! 
What is your favourite thing about winter? Let Me know in a comment.
Have a beautiful and C.O.L.D winter | Elegant Chances

1 comment

  1. Great post! Love a lot of those things as well. The knee races sounds fun :)
