Some Things About Me..

I  believe that you guys do not know me very well. I thought i might answer a few of the common questions some people might ask becasue no one is home and it is currently snowing quite hard! I real love blogging for you guys but if you don't feel like you would like to read this because you are more into my fashion, makeup or interior design posts please go read those instead! :) Anyway on to the questions.

How old are you?
I am 15. My birthday is April 29 1999.
Where do you live?
I currently live in CANADA!
How tall are you?
I am around 5'10. which is around 177.8 centimetres.
What are your hobbies?
I enjoy Blogging (of course), Making youtube videos (Shameless PLUG ) , I really love art , And i do a bit of modelling in my free time.
Do you have any siblings?
I have a younger sister named Emma. She is 13.
What is your dream job/ Career?
I would love to either do something in the design industry like interior design or set design, or maybe something in the beauty industry.
Do you have any phobias?
I have so many! its pretty bad. The thing is i have never been an insect person so i really hate bugs so that includes everything like Bee's , Spiders, lady bugs, beetles (ugh *cringe*). It has gotten so bad that i don't go outside in the summer until after 5 pm when all the bugs have gone to sleep. Heights scare me pretty bad so that means no ladders or sky diving for me.. And i guess boats.
Which do you like better? Twitter or instagram?
This is a no brainer. Twitter totally. I am on there every day. I am not kidding. If i don't go on twitter or the internet at all i begin to have withdrawal symptoms.
Who is your favourite Singer or band?
I really like Taylor swift and the whole pop genre but i also really like this new band. There name is Wolf Larson.
Heels for sure even though i rarely wear them. They are all i look for in stores.
Favorite Clothing Store?
Favorite Drug store brand of makeup?
Rimmel London. :)
Favorite High End Makeup Brand?
Urban Decay.
What colour is your hair?
Well this is a long story...My hair is naturally Light blonde but in grade 7 i died it BRIGHT red which was meant to be auburn.. then it turned like a strawberry blonde after a year of trying to get it out. Then for a recent job with L'oreal I had to die it back to my natural which i loved but i have noticed my roots growing in quite dark..
When did you start wearing makeup?
I started very minimal in grade 7 and 8.
Is your hair Curly or straight?
My hair is like ringlet curls but my roots are quite straight.
What are you afraid of?
I am afraid of getting called on in class, getting a question wrong, getting laughed at. i have gotten quite bad anxiety over the past couple years but i try my best to put myself out there and do my best. Oh and i am pretty afraid that there is going to be a huge war and my family won't have a bomb shelter.. (Lol random)
What is your worst habit?
Probably not cleaning my room/ not taking down my dishes.
Who is your favourite beauty guru?
I have too many to name.
Fav Blogger?
Well i really like The Blond Salad and Curbly.

There are just a few. After a while i will probably make an FAQ Page but for now here you go!
Really Hope you enjoyed and learned more about me. I did a video like this on my channel a few weeks back. Click Here to see it! 
Have a wonderful day and stay confident in yourself! | Elegant Chances

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