Meanwhile | Filming, Feminism, And Me.

Hey Everyone!
Welcome to another Meanwhile post.
SO! HAPPY OCTOBER. I love this time of year. Its filled with crisp air, hot chocolate, fluffy coats and sock monkey socks hahaha. All in all Fall is my favourite time of the year.

So lets start out with the blog and my youtube channel. My sister and I recently got Studio lights since we both do youtube and such and basically they are the best thing in the world. This means I can take blog photos even if the lighting outside sucks. I usually use natural lighting that comes into my room but it usually only really has like an hour of good light then POOF. Gone.  I will insert a picture here of the lights. They are Canadian studio umbrella lights.

If you guys have been reading my blog for a while you would know that I am quite an ambitious person. I run a blog that I write on a couple times a week, I have a youtube channel which i try my hardest to keep up with, I do modelling which takes up TONS of time just from driving to Toronto and back, I am writing a book(slowly but steadily), I am a Junior in high school (grade 11), and then I have friends and family that i need to spend time with.
Don't get me wrong I truly love doing these things but sometimes it can get a little much you know? I have anxiety so it makes it hard trying to deal with even the small things in life like finishing homework or just knowing that I haven't uploaded a video in 3 weeks.  I always have a hard time expressing what I'm feeling to other people so I find it easier to just write my feelings in the notes on my laptop, express myself in art, or even put it here for you guys. You have no idea how good it is just to see everything laid out in front of you. It really makes it easier to tackle things.

Lastly, This year I have really gotten into things like gender equality and the HeForShe Campaign. It all started when I read about how Rowan Blanchard was making a speech at a conference showing her opinion on female oppression. After watching it live it sparked a fire in me which led me to scouring the internet for more. I will say today without hesitation, I am a Feminist. A common misconception people have when they think of Feminism and Feminists are that we are man haters. That is not the case at all! Feminists are people fighting for equality not woman takeover. We fight for issues like equal education, wage gap, domestic violence and more. I truly feel like gender equality is something people need to take seriously and take a part in so we can change our society. I am going to leave the He for She Website Here so you can all take a deeper look.

Let me know your opinion on Anxiety or Gender Equality in the comments! I would love to hear it!
If this is not your type of post, a new one will be out within the next couple days so keep your eyes peeled for that!
Also Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians out there!

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