Review | Body Shop Primer

Hello Everyone!! Today I'm coming at you with a review! This is a newer product that i have been experimenting with while doing my makeup recently. I have tried several other types of primers and while i was at body shop i thought i would pick up a new one to try.

I thought i would tell you my experience with it so far. So first of all i love the packaging. Its super simple and looks very clean. When i use this i put tiny dots all over parts of my face so it reaches the areas that are dryer or head a little more help. It is all fine until i begin to rub it in. I feel a slight burning sensation which is gone within about 10 seconds and it is not intense at all but is a bit strange. Not any of my other primers have done that. Maybe it is just reacting with the skin to make it smoother or something but that is not a very pleasant start to doing my makeup. This primer works very well if you don't mind that sensation. It smooths out the skin nicely and gives a beautiful glow to the makeup. If you have very sensitive skin i would not recommend using this product because it may  sting more on your skin type but who knows.
Overall i would give this a 7 out of 10 as a primer.

If this helped you and you like reviews. let me know in a comment!


  1. the burning sensation sounds scary, maybe I'll try the Instablur one :)

  2. Great review, although the burning sensation sounds strange! I haven't tried any Body Shop makeup products before so I really need to go have a browse!


    1. Its a good primer but the tingling is kind of strange! Anyway i love the rest of their products!

  3. Thanks for sharing, this is super helpful! I have seen this in the store and thought about it, but since I have extremely sensitive skin, maybe I will ask for a sample first. Thanks!

    xoxo Emily
