Back To School Essentials

Its that time of year. Everyone is heading back to school (unfortunately). We are all preparing for the first day back. the day we make our grand entrance into yet another year of torture.
Sometimes the first day can either make or break the year. if you are going to a new school or college the first week even will determine what friends you will make or where you will hang out. I think the best advise I can give you ( no matter how cheesy) is to be yourself. If your shy take a little step out of your comfort zone just to say hi to people and complement them. Today I am going to tell you some of my first day back to school essentials.
The first thing that i would recommend bringing on the first day would be a Binder for each one of your classes. Bringing a binder is going to be extremely beneficial to you to keep all your papers organized. On the first day of classes, the teachers usually hand out a paper showing how much the end of semester exam is going to be, what you will be covering that year etc. You will not want to loose those papers because they most likely will be helpful and useful to you later in the year.

The next thing you should definitely bring is of course pencils. Everyone needs pencils for classes and work. They are kind of essential for every single class (especially math). You will make mistakes and that's okay but its good to have a utensil that you can actually erase. You can make the school year more interesting if your school supplies are colorful and express who you are. Having bright things around you is proven to fill your brain with happy thoughts. We can get through the school year together.

You most probably will end up needing to use a pen at some time or another to make notes and what not. Its good to have a few around especially at the begging of the year because you probably will be needing to write your name down a couple times.

Now the first week you probably wont have to write a lot but just in case, you will want to have some paper around. the only thing is on the first day you don't wanna bring a big pile of lined paper to school with you. That stuff can weigh your backpack down so much. That's why you should bring notebooks instead. they take up a lot less space and you can get so many different kinds.
Your gonna need to sharpen your new pencils so bring that handy dandy sharpener!
For when you need to erase those pencil scribbles on your page you want to have your erasers with you.
Normally on the first day you don't do very much. that is when the teacher treats you like a kid and gives you random coloring pages or crosswords (they do it in high school as well). So you are gonna wanna be prepared with pencil crayons. 
The last and the most important thing to have with you the first week of school is a girl emergency kit. (im sorry to any guys that are reading this but most of you who are reading my blog are mainly girls.) The school year is going to be tough and filled with challenges but you should be prepared with a few things put together in case you or a friend needs them. Such as hair ties, bobby pins, Extra money ,band-aids and more.
If you enjoyed this blog post of mine tell your friends and maybe even stick around. More beauty and fashion related posts will come soon. I thought since the time was right i would give you at least one back to school post.  I just filmed a video of this on my youtube channel "Lauryn Mills". it should be up in a few days. Until my next post. | Elegant Chances

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